Food and Foodstuff Distribution Center is responsible for the domestic business sector of Songhau Food Company and is a strategic partner for many Corporations as well as Consumer Goods Manufacturers.
Food and Foodstuff Distribution Center is a distributor and a retailer for Vinamilk, Wilmar, Masan, Vedan, Ajinomoto, Pepsico, Tan Hiep Phat, etc. in Western provinces.
We also supply essential consumer goods through the chain of convenient stores as well as serving nutrient – rich healthy dishes with reasonable price through our cafeteria.
Besides, the Center also supplies products with high quality and safety.
Moreover, our center has participated continuously in the program of Price Stability since 2008.

Operational Capacity:
We have 04 warehouses in Cantho City, Haugiang Province, and Soctrang Province:
- The warehouse No.1 is located in Lot 18, Tranoc Industrial Zone I, Binhthuy District, Cantho City with over 10,000 square meters in area.
- The An Binh warehouse is located in 70/2 Vongcung Road, Anbinh Ward, Ninhkieu District, Cantho City with over 1,000 square meters in area.
- Phunghiep warehouse is located in Area I, Hiepthanh Ward, Ngabay Town, Haugiang Province with total area of 1,500 square meters.
- Soctrang warehouse is located in 542 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ward 4, Soctrang City, Soctrang Province with total area of 6,000 square meters.
We own 29 trucks with the loading capacity from 550kgsto 08mts; therefore, we can deliver our goods to remote areas.
In Western provinces, we have built a wide customer network with over 4,000 wholesalers and retailers.
Our Center is willing to cooperate with Food, Foodstuff and Consumer Goods Manufacturers.
* Address: Lot 18, Tranoc Industrial Zone I, Tranoc Ward, Binhthuy District , Cantho City, Vietnam.
* Tel: (+84)292.3842910 - Fax: (+84)292.3842910.